
Metrofix was incorporated Incorporated in 1995.

Company Founders are Peter Ferrier and Robert Cocciardi both Carpenters by trade with combined 80 years building experience.


Both Directors are hands on and the company actively train a number of apprentices that stay on staff right through to tradesmen, promoting a teamwork and leadership initiative.

Achieved the highest VBA (Victorian Building Authority) accreditation Unlimited Domestic and unlimited commercial.


Alteration of existing buildings is one of our main areas of activity, but from the renovation and upgrade of individual inner city flats, entire blocks to CDB commercial shops and cafes, Investor market upgrades all fall in our scope of expertise.

Our work is high end and bespoke, with our extensions or our larger scope of building, the client’s expectations always come first.

We can provide or assist with in house design and permit applications.

Through the years we have forged trusted relationships with all the sub trades that are needed to produce quality outcomes for all of our  large, small, domestic or commercial projects.

Our motto is ‘In the nineties we built extensions for families with small children now in 2016 were building homes for the children’.